Replacement and Refund Policy

Replacement Policy

A Customer may replace any product during the time of delivery, or within 3 days if:

  1. If the seal or the packet is found broken during recei delivery with the presence of delivery man.
  2. Found damaged during delivery
  3. Received in an unhealthy/ unexpected condition
  4. Finds product unusable
  5. Have doubt about the product quality and quantity
  6. Product is not the same one you ordered
  7. Wants to change the product within same or higher price.


 Refund Policy

If we fail to fulfill our commitment or to provide the service, we will notify you within 24 hours via phone/ text/ email. If the service, that VAALO fails to complete, requires any refund, it be done maximum within 7 Days. Refund requests will be processed under mentioned situation:

  1. Unable to serve with any product.
  2. Customer cancels a paid order before it has been dispatched.
  3. In case of online payment, if additional money is deducted due to a technical error, the extra money will be refunded.

For all the above scenarios, VAALO will transfer the refund amount to the customer within 7 days.