Rural Services Foundation is the licensed owner of the brand VAALO and the website www.vaalobd.com (‘The Site’). RURAL SERVICES FOUNDATION respects your privacy. This Privacy Policy provides succinctly the manner your data is collected and used by RURAL SERVICES FOUNDATION on the Site. As a visitor to the Site/Customer you are advised to please read the Privacy Policy carefully. By accessing the services provided by the Site, you agree to the collection and use of your data by RURAL SERVICES FOUNDATION in the manner provided in this Privacy Policy.



As part of the registration process on the Site, RURAL SERVICES FOUNDATION may collect the following personally identifiable information about you: Name including first and last name, alternate email address, mobile phone number and contact details, Postal code, Demographic profile (like your age, gender, occupation, education, address etc.) and information about the pages on the site you visit/access, the links you click on the site, the number of times you access the page and any such browsing information.

As the services or offerings evolve, the types of information vaalobd.com collects may change. Please check this policy frequently for the most current explanation of vaalobd.com date practices.



Services of the Site would be available to only select geographies in Bangladesh. Persons who are “incompetent to contract” within the meaning of the Bangladesh Contract Act, 1872 including un-discharged insolvents etc. are not eligible to use the Site. If you are a minor i.e. under the age of 18 years but at least 13 years of age you may use the Site only under the supervision of a parent or legal guardian who agrees to be bound by these Terms of Use. If your age is below 18 years your parents or legal guardians can transact on behalf of you if they are registered users. You are prohibited from purchasing any material which is for adult consumption and the sale of which to minors is prohibited.



RURAL SERVICES FOUNDATION grants you a limited sub-license to access and make personal use of this site and not to download (other than page caching) or modify it, or any portion of it, except with express written consent of RURAL SERVICES FOUNDATION. This license does not include any resale or commercial use of this site or its contents; any collection and use of any product listings, descriptions, or prices; any derivative use of this site or its contents; any downloading or copying of account information for the benefit of another merchant; or any use of data mining, robots, or similar data gathering and extraction tools. This site or any portion of this site may not be reproduced, duplicated, copied, sold, resold, visited, or otherwise exploited for any commercial purpose without express written consent of RURAL SERVICES FOUNDATION You may not frame or utilize framing techniques to enclose any trademark, logo, or other proprietary information (including images, text, page layout, or form) of the Site or of RURAL SERVICES FOUNDATION and its affiliates without express written consent. You may not use any Meta tags or any other “hidden text” utilizing the Site’s or RURAL SERVICES FOUNDATION’s name or trademarks without the express written consent of RURAL SERVICES FOUNDATION Any unauthorized use terminates the permission or license granted by RURAL SERVICES FOUNDATION.



All registered users have to keep their account and registration details current and correct for communications related to their purchases from the site. By agreeing to the terms and conditions, the shopper agrees to receive promotional communication and newsletters upon registration. The customer can opt out either by unsubscribing in “My Account” or by contacting the customer service.



All the products listed on the Site will be sold at MRP unless otherwise specified. The prices mentioned at the time of ordering will be the prices charged on the date of the delivery. Although prices of most of the products do not fluctuate on a daily basis but some of the commodities and fresh food prices do change on a daily basis. In case the prices are higher or lower on the date of delivery no additional charges will be collected or refunded as the case may be at the time of the delivery of the order.



If we suspect any fraudulent transaction by any customer or any transaction which defies the terms & conditions of using the website, we at our sole discretion could cancel such orders. We will maintain a negative list of all fraudulent transactions and customers and would deny access to them or cancel any orders placed by them. While every effort has been taken to label the products accurately, errors in data entry and updation may occur. vaalobd.com reserves the right to cancel the order in case a transaction has been made where the prices indicated was not the correct price. In the rare event that happens, we will give a full refund of all money received from the customer. vaalobd.com has full right to cancel any order which does not fall under the service criteria and/or is not from the city, pin code or area where we are currently not servicing. vaalobd.com reserves all rights to cancel any order at any time. 



Delivery of your packets are attempted by our shipping partners from 12:30 hours onward and we take time to deliver the packets till 22:00 hours of the scheduled date. We deliver only on weekdays i.e. from Saturday to Thursday. We have not yet started delivering on Friday and public holidays in Bangladesh. We make two attempts to deliver the packets at the customer’s registered address. For any packets which are not delivered by our shipping partners after two attempts, will return to the origin. In such case, Vaalobd.com will not be liable for undelivered orders. In such cases the customer has to bear the cost of transportation of return of the packet to the origin and the cost of transportation of re-sending of the packets from the origin to the customer’s address. No refunds or cancellations will be allowed. Change of address OR PIN code OR phone numbers to be sent to contact@vaalobd.com from the registered email ID of the customer within 1 hour of placing of the orders to Vaalobd.com. Any such communication received after the orders are dispatched from the origin can not be honored. In such case, Vaalobd.com will not be liable for undelivered orders if the address (with PIN code) provided by the customer is incorrect. In such cases the customer has to bear the cost of transportation of return of the packet to the origin and the cost of transportation of re-sending of the packets from the origin to the customer’s address. 



  1. That in the event that a non-delivery occurs on account of a mistake by you (i.e. wrong name or address or any other wrong information) any extra cost incurred by RURAL SERVICES FOUNDATION for redelivery shall be claimed from you.
    2. That you will use the services provided by the Site, its affiliates, consultants and contracted companies, for lawful purposes only and comply with all applicable laws and regulations while using and transacting on the Site.
    3. You will provide authentic and true information in all instances where such information is requested of you. RURAL SERVICES FOUNDATION reserves the right to confirm and validate the information and other details provided by you at any point of time. If upon confirmation your details are found not to be true (wholly or partly), it has the right in its sole discretion to reject the registration and debar you from using the Services and / or other affiliated websites without prior intimation whatsoever.
    4. That you are accessing the services available on this Site and transacting at your sole risk and are using your best and prudent judgment before entering into any transaction through this Site.
    5. That the address at which delivery of the product ordered by you is to be made will be correct and proper in all respects.
    6. That before placing an order you will check the product description carefully. By placing an order for a product you agree to be bound by the conditions of sale included in the item’s description. 



  1. Disseminating any unlawful, harassing, libelous, abusive, threatening, harmful, vulgar, obscene, or otherwise objectionable material.
    2. Transmitting material that encourages conduct that constitutes a criminal offence or results in civil liability or otherwise breaches any relevant laws, regulations or code of practice.
    3. Gaining unauthorized access to other computer systems.
    4. Interfering with any other person’s use or enjoyment of the Site.
    5. Breaching any applicable laws.
    6. Interfering or disrupting networks or web sites connected to the Site.
    7. Making, transmitting or storing electronic copies of materials protected by copyright without the permission of the owner. 



We have made every effort to display the colors of our products that appear on the Website as accurately as possible. However, as the actual colours you see will depend on your monitor, we cannot guarantee that your monitor’s display of any color will be accurate. 



RURAL SERVICES FOUNDATION may at any time modify the Terms & Conditions of Use of the Website without any prior notification to you. You can access the latest version of these Terms & Conditions at any given time on the Site. You should regularly review the Terms & Conditions on the Site. In the event the modified Terms & Conditions is not acceptable to you, you should discontinue using the Service. However, if you continue to use the Service you shall be deemed to have agreed to accept and abide by the modified Terms & Conditions of Use of this Site.



This User Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the applicable laws of Bangladesh. The Courts at Dhaka shall have exclusive jurisdiction in any proceedings arising out of this agreement. Any dispute or difference either in interpretation or otherwise, of any terms of this User Agreement between the parties hereto, the same shall be referred to an independent arbitrator who will be appointed by Rural Services Foundation and his decision shall be final and binding on the parties hereto. The above arbitration shall be in accordance with the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, as amended from time to time. The arbitration shall be held in Dhaka. The High Court alone shall have the jurisdiction and the Laws of Bangladesh shall apply. 



All reviews, comments, feedback, postcards, suggestions, ideas, and other submissions disclosed, submitted or offered to the Site on or by this Site or otherwise disclosed, submitted or offered in connection with your use of this Site (collectively, the “Comments”) shall be and remain the property of RURAL SERVICES FOUNDATION. Such disclosure, submission or offer of any Comments shall constitute an assignment to RURAL SERVICES FOUNDATION of all worldwide rights, titles and interests in all copyrights and other intellectual properties in the Comments. Thus, RURAL SERVICES FOUNDATION owns exclusively all such rights, titles and interests and shall not be limited in any way in its use, commercial or otherwise, of any Comments. RURAL SERVICES FOUNDATION will be entitled to use, reproduce, disclose, modify, adapt, create derivative works from, publish, display and distribute any Comments you submit for any purpose whatsoever, without restriction and without compensating you in any way. RURAL SERVICES FOUNDATION is and shall be under no obligation (1) to maintain any Comments in confidence; (2) to pay you any compensation for any Comments; or (3) to respond to any Comments. You agree that any Comments submitted by you to the Site will not violate this policy or any right of any third party, including copyright, trademark, privacy or other personal or proprietary right(s), and will not cause injury to any person or entity. You further agree that no Comments submitted by you to the Website will be or contain libelous or otherwise unlawful, threatening, abusive or obscene material, or contain software viruses, political campaigning, commercial solicitation, chain letters, mass mailings or any form of “spam”.RURAL SERVICES FOUNDATION does not regularly review posted Comments, but does reserve the right (but not the obligation) to monitor and edit or remove any Comments submitted to the Site. You grant RURAL SERVICES FOUNDATION the right to use the name that you submit in connection with any Comments. You agree not to use a false email address, impersonate any person or entity, or otherwise mislead as to the origin of any Comments you submit. You are and shall remain solely responsible for the content of any Comments you make and you agree to indemnify RURAL SERVICES FOUNDATION and its affiliates for all claims resulting from any Comments you submit. RURAL SERVICES FOUNDATION and its affiliates take no responsibility and assume no liability for any Comments submitted by you or any third party.



RURAL SERVICES FOUNDATION, its suppliers and licensors expressly reserve all intellectual property rights in all text, programs, products, processes, technology, content and other materials, which appear on this Site. Access to this Website does not confer and shall not be considered as conferring upon anyone any license under any of RURAL SERVICES FOUNDATION or any third party’s intellectual property rights. All rights, including copyright, in this website are owned by or licensed to RURAL SERVICES FOUNDATION Any use of this website or its contents, including copying or storing it or them in whole or part, other than for your own personal, non-commercial use is prohibited without the permission of RURAL SERVICES FOUNDATION You may not modify, distribute or re-post anything on this website for any purpose. The names and logos and all related product and service names, design marks and slogans are the trademarks or service marks of RURAL SERVICES FOUNDATION, its affiliates, its partners or its suppliers. All other marks are the property of their respective companies. No trademark or service mark license is granted in connection with the materials contained on this Site. Access to this Site does not authorize anyone to use any name, logo or mark in any manner. References on this Site to any names, marks, products or services of third parties or hypertext links to third party sites or information are provided solely as a convenience to you and do not in any way constitute or imply RURAL SERVICES FOUNDATION endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation of the third party, information, product or service. RURAL SERVICES FOUNDATION is not responsible for the content of any third party sites and does not make any representations regarding the content or accuracy of material on such sites. If you decide to link to any such third party websites, you do so entirely at your own risk. All materials, including images, text, illustrations, designs, icons, photographs, programs, music clips or downloads, video clips and written and other materials that are part of this Website (collectively, the “Contents”) are intended solely for personal, non-commercial use. You may download or copy the Contents and other downloadable materials displayed on the Website for your personal use only. No right, title or interest in any downloaded materials or software is transferred to you as a result of any such downloading or copying. You may not reproduce (except as noted above), publish, transmit, distribute, display, modify, create derivative works from, sell or participate in any sale of or exploit in any way, in whole or in part, any of the Contents, the Website or any related software. All software used on this Website is the property RURAL SERVICES FOUNDATION or its licensees and suppliers and protected by Bangladesh and International copyright laws. The Contents and software on this Website may be used only as a shopping resource. Any other use, including the reproduction, modification, distribution, transmission, republication, display, or performance, of the Contents on this Website is strictly prohibited. Unless otherwise noted, all Contents are copyrights, trademarks, trade dress and/or other intellectual property owned, controlled or licensed by RURAL SERVICES FOUNDATION, one of its affiliates or by third parties who have licensed their materials to RURAL SERVICES FOUNDATION and are protected by Bangladesh and International copyright laws. The compilation (meaning the collection, arrangement, and assembly) of all Contents on this Website is the exclusive property RURAL SERVICES FOUNDATION and is also protected by Bangladesh and International copyright laws. 



You understand that by using this Site or any services provided on the Site, you may encounter Content that may be deemed by some to be offensive, indecent, or objectionable, which Content may or may not be identified as such. You agree to use the Site and any service at your sole risk and that to the fullest extent permitted under applicable law, RURAL SERVICES FOUNDATION and its affiliates shall have no liability to you for Content that may be deemed offensive, indecent, or objectionable to you. 



You agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless RURAL SERVICES FOUNDATION, its employees, directors, officers, agents and their successors and assigns from and against any and all claims, liabilities, damages, losses, costs and expenses, including attorney’s fees, caused by or arising out of claims based upon your actions or inactions, which may result in any loss or liability to RURAL SERVICES FOUNDATION or any third party including but not limited to breach of any warranties, representations or undertakings or in relation to the non-fulfilment of any of your obligations under this User Agreement or arising out of the your violation of any applicable laws, regulations including but not limited to Intellectual Property Rights, payment of statutory dues and taxes, claim of libel, defamation, violation of rights of privacy or publicity, loss of service by other subscribers and infringement of intellectual property or other rights. This clause shall survive the expiry or termination of this User Agreement. 



This User Agreement is effective unless and until terminated by either you or RURAL SERVICES FOUNDATION You may terminate this User Agreement at any time, provided that you discontinue any further use of this Site. RURAL SERVICES FOUNDATION may terminate this User Agreement at any time and may do so immediately without notice, and accordingly deny you access to the Site, Such termination will be without any liability to RURAL SERVICES FOUNDATION Upon any termination of the User Agreement by either you or RURAL SERVICES FOUNDATION, you must promptly destroy all materials downloaded or otherwise obtained from this Site, as well as all copies of such materials, whether made under the User Agreement or otherwise. RURAL SERVICES FOUNDATION’s right to any Comments shall survive any termination of this User Agreement. Any such termination of the User Agreement shall not cancel your obligation to pay for the product already ordered from the Website or affect any liability that may have arisen under the User Agreement.